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Jan 25, 2011

Started manga-making

I have discussed new storytelling with Ikki S last weekend again. (before this, we had first discussion. Jan 17, 2011 on our deviantART page)

I have drawn the children's books before. It was challenging very much, but felt that I was not it. I realized myself I wanna create the story for adults. -- at least, for now.

Finally, we talked same issue again and decided to make the BD manga. actually, I have written the novel and love writing, but I couldn't rid a long-held dream that is the manga-making. Ikki also was having a same dream for a long time.

as noted before, the project will be so hard.
anyway, we have already started it. we just do my best.

にほんブログ村 イラストブログ プロイラストレーターへ にほんブログ村 小説ブログ 長編小説へにほんブログ村 漫画ブログ 漫画制作へ

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