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Mar 13, 2011

I'm fine from Japan.(about the earthquake)

Hello all my friend.

How are your weekend?
The Japanese Earthquake was happened on afternoon March 11. and now it still has swing too many times. also now.

On Friday, My home and office shook badly during the earthquake. office was about magnitude 5, my home was about 6.

When it was happend, I was in the office. Computer monitor came down. and spilling coffee on paper, files fell from shelves...
"it's too big earthquake!!" we cried. it was very very swinging!

A short time later, it stopped and swing...and stopped. over again and again. All fire doors were falling down. the building was cracked in several places. This after, I heard the sound of sirens from ambulances from far and wide. I heard the cries of the various dogs. all neighbors walked outside. so I tried to call my family, but I couldn't do and couldn't send any email. The reason why the lines were full.

"it reek in Odaiba!" "The head of Tokyo Tower is leaning. Sky tree was intact." my boss said.
the line has connected only by twitter or internet. I sent to emails for my family and friends from your computer, "I'm OK".
After a bit, I could use iPhone. so I sent emails to another my best friend. I heard from radio that Tokyo Disney Land was flooded. Tsunami has come. Touhoku area is magnitude 8.4-8.9. trains are stopped.

After 17:30, we(from the same area. but it's wide.) departed by car, but the roads were full of the car and people. So I got out of a car, I went to the Makuhari Hongou Station which was far from my home.

on the road, I found the telephone box. I could call my husband. He said, "I wanna go there by bicycle." the car ran out of gas...I stopped him because traffic was hell. I couldn't arrive home.

on this night, temporary the convenience store opened. I was stay here. my battery has dead, but I could buy the mobile's battery. There were too many people in the store. Sometimes, swing sideways.
I was too cold...but my friends gave me many messages and many information.
just a bit more, a little moment...

Some trains will move again at 7:00am, but it wasn't mine. I have waited long I could come back to home at 12:48 on March 12! Really I'm happy and glad to be alive. anyway, I was too hungry because I couldn't eat the dinner!!

So I'm fine. thanks all.


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