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Sep 4, 2012

I feel sad this as one of a reader...

Sep 6, 2012

This later, I've received their reply. I'm really glad to read kind reply from Authors. I knew enough that Authors have morals. Thank you.
Their fans are just sending Photos to them, so they can't find sources. If we will send something photos or files to them and other authors, I felt we should tell any info.
I wish to write a reply for authors, but it's already time to go to the office. I will write a reply to them later.

Hi all.

I bought their new H-J Marseille book " The Star of Africa..." and am looking forward to read it, but...I feel sad about one thing as one of their reader.

I took  this photo from a book by iPhone and introduced on my website as a historical information " Jochen Marseille "heroic" episode". The based photo is black and white, but it included color because I took this photo. and it's inclined upward from right side, because I open a book and took it. Plus I didn't take a counter's lower part and Hanne-Lies' right shoulder on this photograph.
Please compare my thing and their thing.

It was unbelievable that they used the image which the writer of the professional found on the Internet without permission. If they used this on his website, they should have told me. Though it just was good if they said to me "can we use your photo?"  I'm shocked at their act who are professionals.

Um...but...are they really use my iphone photo on the professional author page? it's very lough picture. is it OK??

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