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Sep 6, 2015

Bf109 without Swastika is the sign of protest by JG53.

Hello everyone!

You already knew that...An interesting episode of JG53 Pik-As(Ace of Spades) is a mark of protest against the red band.

This commander Major Hans-Jürgen von Cramon-Taubadel's 1st wife was Jewish woman. Hermann Göring found it and ordered to paint the red band which is the Cabalistic talisman to all JG53 aircrafts. JG53 members fought in the Battle of Britain with the red band aircraft.

Later, Major Günther Freiherr von Maltzahn took over JG53 commander from von Cramon-Taubadel on 30 Sep 1940. "Pik-As" emblem was reinstated, but they(especially Wilcke) removed Swastika from their aircrafts as a mark of protest.

I was surprised to this episode because it was wartime germany. It was good action for discrimination.

Jagdgeschwader 53 'Pik-As' (Aviation Elite Units) by John Weal
Der zweite Weltkrieg • Ver Tema - Aviones de la Luftwaffe sin Suástica

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