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Feb 3, 2016

My military uniform art series “The artwork for the Lost Empire” were featured on Europeana blog.

 To Aleksandra ;-)

Hello, everybody!

I was interviewed about my project from Europeana on last year, and then my military uniform art series “The artworkfor the Lost Empire” were featured on Europeana blog.

Please check out it :-)

As we know, Europeana is an internet portal that acts as an interface to millions of books, paintings, films, museum objects and archival records that have been digitised throughout Europe.(from Wikipedia explain)

When I found Europeana website on 3 to 4 years ago, I was touched by too many archives, so I was enjoying to watch their pages. Later, I knew that Europeana has their twitter account(@Europeanaeu), so followed them.
I was really excited to watching amazing archives, so actually I didn’t want to telling their site for others…haha. Europeana is very wonderful archive.

I have been worked in books and magazines. In other side, the Europe reached 100th anniversary of WWI in 2014. I began to portrait artwork series“The artwork for the Lost Empire”which are inspired by old portrait photographs. This personal project is still continuing.

I feel nostalgia from old photographs, and I feel the uniform details are very craftwork. Though, I have never any political thoughts and will never agree with such things. The important for me is that these were certainly existed.

I'm deeply touched by stories of my European friends. Their great-grandparents and grandparents lived in wartime and they spent in very hard time. Of course, my grandparents also lived in such era.
Almost people in old photograph already might not live in this world. The landscape already might be lost. Even so, archives would show us that the time existed once and each memories are living in their hearts.

Thank you for reading.

Kumiko Sakaki

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