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Jun 14, 2016

Sketches for my original BD(comic) project


Hi everyone!

During the recuperation, I submitted an illustration work to my client(it was so interesting, but was so mentally hard). I'd thank to all for your support.

As my close friends know,  I've drew rough sketches for making the BD(comic or the graphic novel) since some years ago.
After the surgery, I'm wanting to draw the sketch for my original BD again. Though I know that my friends know enough my thinking, It's NOT Nazi(I hate it) story. The story(like bildungsroman which is included some humor) of the German and the Austrian officers.

These are still very rough, but I'm glad if you like them(these are pieces of pages).

Parts of ‪‎Sketch‬ (comedy scene) Werner Schröer is angry to Marseille. Jochen has went out without permission from their barrack after imposing the duty for meeting with his girl friends.

Rough sketch ‪‎storyboarding‬ (talking part)
"Henri" von Maltzahn "Yes, yes, indeed! Their teeth are unbelievable bright."

A main character met with his cousin after a long time.

This Major gave a lecture the mischief cadets after putting a brake on them.

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