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Oct 22, 2012

ポーランド発伝説のWWIIドイツスパイドラマ、Stawka większa niż życie

Hi all,

When I searched something historical info, I found this movie trailer.
I'm interested in this Polish drama "Stawka większa niż życie(命よりも大きな賭け金)".
English says, "More Than Life at Stake, Stakes Larger Than Life or Playing for High Stakes(命の額以上、命より大金、または重賞のために遊ぶ)".

Poland has made German army drama? but main cast seems polish agent against WWII german army. This drama series is the Legend TV series by Hermann Brunner and Hans Kloss, and was filmed from March 1967 to October 1968. There were all 18 episodes. Tomasz Kot plays Hans Kloss, and Piotr Adamczyk plays Hermann Brunner on new film. Hans Kloss acted as a double agent in the Abwehr during WWII in occupied Poland.  (his real name was Stanisław Kolicki, and codename J-23). And I heard Polish general Artur Jastrzębski may a model of Hans Kloss. This is a fiction story, but it's really attractive!

Information: 2012.09.09
Information: 2012.3.13



I'd like to watch both drama!! Is it difficult to make the Japanese subtitle version?

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