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Nov 11, 2012

Remembrance Day - WW1

Hello all.

Today was WWI armistice agreement day. it did at 11 am on 11 November 1918. All soldier left for the heaven. Of course you know, they called Remembrance Day or Poppy Day.

 German Lieutenant Tomas(独トーマス少尉), US Sergeant Henry Gunther(米ヘンリー・ギュンター軍曹、ドイツ系アメリカ人), Irish Private George Edwin Ellison(英ジョージ・エドウィン・エリソン), French soldier Augustin Trébuchon(仏オーギュスタン・トレブション), and Canadian Buck Private George Lawrence Price(加ジョージ・プライス) were included to this. Price was the last fallen. These Officers and Soldiers died in this war by soldiers who had not been told about the ceasefire.

Now my icon has put the Remembrance poppy. I closed my eyes and imagined poppy flowers in the battlefields of Flanders. I had a moment of silence. I have never met with them, but I will and "We Will Remember Them."

Charity album "We Will Remember Them"

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