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Mar 28, 2013

From my grandpa's album 祖父のアルバムから 2の続編

Hello all,

I've already uploaded this article about my grandfather's cousin or brother who worked as a medical officer in wartime. When I check the album, I found his other photo there.

Maybe this is his home. I heard his family was a doctor in a private practice. He seems to appear relaxed.

It's closeup. Though I can't see enough, his rank is different the last photo(it's the rank of first lieutenant). He has off other badges. I think there are two stars on collar patches... Lieutenant Colonel(中佐)?

P.S:  March 28, 2013

But eh? Could first Lieutenant become a Lieutenant Colonel in about three years?
I've thought he worked in the army only wartime until I find an another photo, but maybe he was in from prewar? Umm, but it was impossible. First Lieutenant wore an uniform of since 1944. the war ended in 1945.
Their faces and uniforms are very similar, but they might brothers. I imagined that while talking on twitter with my friend :-)

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