Oct 7, 2020

kuktober 2020

Hello everyone! Though I always say, "How have you been?", What's up? Haha...yes.By the way, from this October, I'm trying to draw the drawing series "kuktober" about the Austria-Hungary Empire (kuk means that kaiserliche und königliche Monarchie). This list is the lineup. The small training project for me has already started on my Instagram. I will keep to continue the series if I can during this Oct. (If I can)Please check it ;...

Apr 12, 2020

My new wallpaper is

Hi everyone! You know, recently we have to stay home as much as possible for the virus. if can't it by a type of working, we spend only a little time in the office. I've been managed to both jobs, an illustrator and an office worker. At last, my company president ordered us to temporary absence from work in last middle week, and I'm in home from last Thursday. It's so late choice, but that's better than nothing.  As same almost people(?),...

Jan 2, 2020

My recent bookcover artwork.

The artwork by illustrator Kumiko Sakaki The author is Mr. Masashi Endo of Onshokukiko.  Happy New Year, everyone! I drew the most famous German Kaiser, Friedrich der Große who is trying to eat a potato.  The full-length version (this is the 1st printing) of the historical Prussian cooking book by 音食紀行 (@onshokukiko) sold at comiket 97.  The book author is Mr. Endo as a historical culinary researcher....

Jul 8, 2019

失われた帝国のためのアートワーク No.12:The artwork for the Lost Empire KuK - No.12

Artwork by Kumiko Sakaki (All rights reserved) Ad augusta per angusta――  He wore his brown leather flight helmet which ordered by himself, and put on folding glass flight goggles. His usual black airmen's jacket is still good condition, and he wears the M1916 field jacket (tunic) which made of field grey fabric (It's brownish). Though it can't see from here, it has a golden shoulder loop on the tunic. His career began at the Reitende...

Jun 3, 2019

失われた帝国のためのアートワーク No.11 :The artwork for the Lost Empire KuK - No.11

Artwork by Kumiko Sakaki (All rights reserved) How have you been, everyone? I've just finished to painting the Austria-Hungarian soldier. He is an Artillery soldier and He almost just joined in k.k. Landwehr. He had a gut feeling that something bad will happen - I might die here or this Empire might end. Though, his war just started. Summer in 1916 ―― Usual Egalisierung of kuk Artillery is scharlachrot (scarlet), but I wasn't able to...

My original artbook on the web store

This is the book cover. Artwork by Kumiko Sakaki Hello, everyone. Thank you for visiting my new uniform artwork page.  Actually (you know?), I self-published my artbook "The Artwork for the Lost Empire Austria-Hungary" in last August. So I hid the series from here.  Article: I joined to the big original comic event, COMITIA125 (コミティア125)  Article: I've already started my bookstore on Booth So, I've already started my...

Jan 5, 2019


Photo No.Pf 2529 D1 from Österreichische Nationalbibliothek  突然ですが、このお方は誰でしょう? ・6兄弟の末っ子 ・1902年クントマンガッセギムナジウム(Gymnasium Kundmanngasse) ・10代の頃、家庭教師のAlbrecht Reif先生と同性愛体験 ・同時に売春宿初体験をし、サドマゾ傾向が顕著に現れる ・1914年マトゥーラ後、ウィーン大学の冬学期に在籍。 ・1915年4月一年志願兵として竜騎兵連隊第3「ザクセン王フリードリヒ・アウグスト」で基礎訓練を受ける。  (K.u.k. Niederösterreichisches Dragoner-Regiment „Friedrich August König von Sachsen“ Nr. 3) ・1916年1月半ばガリツィアの歩兵連隊に配属。 ・1916年7月12日ロシア軍にとらえられ、捕虜となる。  シベリア捕虜収容所...

Dec 20, 2018

Wonderful and treditional Vienna band, Hoch- und Deutschmeister! 帝国連隊楽団『歩兵第4連隊ホッホ・ウント・ドイッチュマイスター』

Hi everyone! Though you already know, I've been painted the Austria-Hungary Empire uniform illustration for history research in recent years, and was able to self-publishing the artbook for Armistice 100th anniversary of the First World War in this 19 August. I'd love to thank many times for my family and friends who supported me.  Artwork (a part) by Kumiko Sakaki By the way, in my artbook there is the illustration, "Oberleutnant of...

Nov 11, 2018

Armistice 100th anniversary (11 Nov 1918 → 11 Nov 2018)

Artwork by Kumiko Sakaki He looks like sad. November 11 in 2018 is the 100th anniversary from the end of WWI. Since 2014 which is the 100th anniversary from the outbreak of the war, I’ve been focused on my own project for A-H people (the plan is made a while ago), and could self-published the artbook in this August.  This is the tribute illustration (a part) for passed away people at the battlefield. They wished to coming back their...

Oct 21, 2018